
Posts Tagged ‘gratitude’

We’ve all had those days where we get out of bed on the wrong side and things go progressively more pear-shaped as the day goes on! The thing is, how often do we take the time to consider that the world is not happening to us? We are participating in everything that we get in life! And if we don’t like what we’re getting, then we can change it!

Whining about your mood is a bit like watching a really dreadful movie on TV and not bothering to change the channel! No matter what is happening in the outside world, you alone are responsible for what’s happening inside your head!

So if life is seeming a bit tough right now go and find some uplifting music and dance around to it. Do some yoga or meditation. Read a great book or watch some animals doing stupid things on YouTube! Phone a friend who will make you laugh. Play with the dog, or borrow someone else’s! Watch Ice Age on DVD. Whatever it takes. It’s up to you, and only you, to do what it takes to feel wonderful!

Make that your first priority every morning!

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We’ve had a fun Friday in the sun snorkelling around on the East Coast of the UAE. Its really great to spend relaxing time with friends and I am so grateful to be able to swim in the sea on the 16th of December. Sending lots of sunshine to those of you in colder climes!

Back to work tomorrow… or maybe Sunday!

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I’ve been very remiss with blogging today. Got an old friend in town – well, he’s not that old but we’ve known him a long time! We’ve just spent a lovely evening catching up with him and sitting under the stars on a beautiful Dubai winter evening! I’m feeling very mellow and grateful for the fact that we get to spend the winter in the sunshine while so many people are freezing cold and getting snowed on. Not that I don’t love the snow, but I’m old enough and wise enough now to realise that I love the theory of snow more than I love the reality of it!

Sending all you folks in the frozen north loads of sunshine – we have plenty to spare!


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The thing about this question is it all depends on perspective! Sometimes you think things are going well and then you discover that not everything was as it seemed. And sometimes you think something is a total disaster and yet it leads to your greatest breakthough.

So be very careful not to label things until you’ve seen the full picture, and know that sometimes you never will.

This video is one of my favourite illustrations of exactly that:


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This says everything i could wish to say tonight!

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I’m about to take the somewhat scary step of taking on a personal assistant and although it is a bit daunting to entrust vital parts of my business to someone else I am very lucky that my friend Warsha runs a fabulous company called Platinum VA which takes most of the pain out of delegation. I say “most” only because I will have to reveal to someone outside of my immediate family just how convoluted my filing system is and how utterly disorganised my database is and that is going to be embarrassing!

But I am lucky in that I have realised not that I need help, but that I will need help very soon. And that’s a vital difference. I’ve watched so many entrepreneurs resist hiring help because they say they’re hopeless at delegating or they are control freaks or all sorts of other excuses. They wait till the point that they are on the very edge of nervous exhaustion, of letting down clients or worse alienating their families and even then they are making excuses. The truth is by the time they’ve got to that point it often is too late because by then they genuinely don’t have time to teach someone how their systems work. And almost all the possible results then are not too pretty. At the very best they will have stalled their success dead in the water. And all that momentum lost is going to take a long time and a lot of energy to build back up again.

Acknowledging that I can’t do it all myself is the first step in the journey from one-woman-band into a business that has the potential to grow to whatever size I choose to take it. If I don’t take that step I no longer have a choice. I’m grateful to have Warsha watching my back to remind me of this!

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Its not just me! Here’s what Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup For The Soul, has to say about abundance:

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I’ve often said that gratitude is the energising power of the universe and I really believe that to be true. When we focus on what we are grateful for in our lives we can only be uplifted. Even if life is really tough and you think its impossible to find something to feel grateful for, just find the tiniest thing and focus on it.

What you focus on is what grows in your life. Its not magic or some mysterious force outwith your control. Its simple physics. Where you focus your mind is where you focus your attention, where you focus your attention is where you focus your energy and where you focus your energy is where you get results.

So even if you feel that the only thing you have to be grateful for today is that you are still breathing – be grateful to that with all your heart!

It all starts with a single breath!

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A while ago I was working with a client who was angry and stressed about the way the world was treating him. Now this is a delicate situation for coaches – if I sympathise, or even empathise with him I might make him feel better temporarily but I can’t really help him change his results. But if I tell him the truth – that the reason the world is treating him badly is because he is angry and stressed, not the other way round, I am likely to get thumped! The key is to break the news to him gently!

It is one of the most difficult concepts to understand but one of the most critical. Even once you get it, actually acting on this knowledge consistently can be a real challenge and takes time to master. But it is worth it because once you do, things can change very quickly for the better.

Here’s my understanding of it: Your thinking changes the way you feel, the way you feel changes the way you act, and the way you act changes your results and your results dictate the way you feel. Its one big circle. Most people try to solve life’s challenges at the level of action – by changing the things they do. But that is almost never effective long term. To create real lasting change you have to start with your thoughts.

Now most people allow their results to dictate the way they feel. For example, someone treats them badly, they get angry at being treated badly and react in a negative way, because they are angry they treat the next person badly and the negative re-actions produce negative results and they get more angry. Its not unreasonable, we’ve all done it. The problem is it doesn’t work!

When you allow things that have happened in the past to dictate your feelings now, you are ensuring that those feelings from your past create your results in the future. Which means that changing your results is virtually impossible.

So what’s the solution? The answer is to flood your mind with as much positivity as you can. Listen to upbeat music. Surround yourself with images of the things you want in your life and the people who love and inspire you. Make a vision board!

Spend time with positive people who are achieving great results. The bigger the group the better – you won’t all be achieving fantastic results all the time but you can help keep each other lifted all the time. Create or join a mastermind group .

Write a gratitude journal every day and carry it around with you so you can go to it quickly when life is getting to you and remind yourself what’s wonderful in your life.

But most importantly learn to control your thinking. This takes time and practice but don’t give up. You are a powerful, intelligent human being, you can be the master of your own thoughts. Even if your reaction in the moment is a negative one, you can make the decision to control your response instantly. For example, if you are driving down Sheikh Zayed Road (the main motorway through Dubai) and someone tries to cut you up, your instant reaction will probably be fright, followed quickly by anger. If you act on the anger you are almost certainly going to make the situation worse, but if you take a deep breath and send feelings of love and peace out to the other driver you will (yes, I promise you will!) feel better and carry on your day in a positive way.

By the way, if you think its too hard to send out feelings of love and peace just try to visualise the look of utter confusion on the reckless driver’s face as he gets bombarded by love and peace instead of the anger he was expecting!

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I’ve just realised that my blog is one year old today! That seems like a good excuse for cake! Thanks to everyone who’s been reading and participating and making comments. I appreciate all your feedback so much so please keep it coming!

OK I’m off to find cake and do some celebrating. Hey, any excuse! In fact who said we need an excuse to celebrate life?

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